Columbia Public Works will begin our annual street maintenance projects of sealing roadways, commonly called "chip n' seal", beginning on Monday, July 22 and continuing throughWednesday, August 14.
Chip n' seal maintenance consists of thoroughly cleaning the road surface, applying a layer of liquid asphalt to seal cracks, applying a layer of rock and rolling it into the liquid asphalt, and then brooming off the excess rock.
Sealing road surfaces with this method can greatly extend the life of roadways and is very cost effective. The cost of chip n' seal is one-seventh the cost of milling and overlaying a roadbed. The total cost to complete 30.78 lane miles of roads is $234,000. The work will be performed by City of Columbia Street Division crews. The funding source is the transportation sales tax and gasoline tax.
While crews perform the work, motorist should expect lane restrictions and delays. Once the sealing is complete, motorist and cyclist may experience loose gravel in the gutters and a few other areas. Crews will return as needed to sweep and remove the excess rock.
All work is weather dependent and the schedule may be adjusted accordingly.
We will release each weeks projects and any schedule updates on the Thursday prior to the start date.
Work scheduled for July 22 & July 23 on Saint Joseph from Park Av to Ash St.
Contact: Columbia Public Works
(573) 874-7250