Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hint Fiction Show at CAL

The Columbia Art League hosts an intriguing show August 23 – October 1 with an Opening Reception on Thursday, September 1.

An anthology of 125 short stories, each told in 25 words or fewer, is the inspiration and muse for this juried show. Editor Robert Swartwood’s book Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 words or Fewer (published by W.W.Norton & Company, New York) is a compilation of stories, which each suggest a larger, more complex story.

Artists were invited to choose one of the works in the book, taking the story as the title and inspiration for their work. This is a juried show open to CAL members and non-members.

Copies of the book are available to borrow from the Columbia Art League or for purchase from the University Bookstore or from Or, here's a little taste of what you can expect:

"THE RETURN" by Joe R. Lansdale. Copyright (c) 2011 by Joe R. Lansdale.
    They buried him deep. Again.

"THE LAND WITH NO AIR" by Jane Hammons. Copyright (c) 2011 by Jane Hammons.
    Grandpa breathes from a tank. He’s selling the ranch because he doesn’t have any air. 
    Mama says, I’m your heir. 
    He says, You’re a girl.

"TRUST" by Don Lee. Copyright (c) 2011 by Don Lee.
    At the party, he tells her he’s a painter, meaning of houses. She misunderstands, assumes he’s an artist. Harmless, he thinks.

"INSOMNIA" by Val Gryphin. Copyright (c) 2011 by Val Gryphin.
    Sleeping Beauty never minded the spindle prick. It was the wake-up kiss she hated.

For more details, check out