Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Comprehensive Plan Meeting Tonight

Development of Columbia’s new comprehensive plan finishing up its fourth phase. This phase seeks to develop goals and objectives based upon what we value and how we want to grow and develop in the future.

In this phase, roughly 300 citizens participated by attending a meeting or filling out a survey to voice their thoughts on how the City should grow and goals and objectives to get there. There are more opportunities to participate by providing feedback on the information which has been collected and analyzed in this phase.

On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 6:00 PM (City Hall, 701 E. Broadway, room 1A/1B) please join the Comprehensive Plan Task Force and Planning and Zoning Commission at a public meeting to discuss and vote upon the goals and objectives and potential growth scenarios which emerged from Phase 4.
The Columbia Imagined Goals and Objectives represent the most commonly occurring themes from citizen input in Phases Three and Four. All public input from these two phases has been carefully considered and refined, resulting in the 35 goals and accompanying objectives found here. Please review the 35 goals and objectives and give feedback on whether or not they represent a coherent vision for Columbia.

Draft goals and objectives

The Growth Scenarios are the first step in answering three questions about Columbia's existing and future land use patterns:

  • Where have we been? (20-year growth trends in housing, use mix, and density)
  • Where are we headed? (Trend Growth Scenario--What Columbia might look like 20 years from now if we grow like we have over the past 20 years)
  • Where do we want to be? (Goal-based Growth Scenario--Based on citizen input, how do we want to grow in the future)

Draft growth scenario information

If you cannot attend the meeting, please provide your thoughts on the goals and objectives and growth scenario information to be presented at the meeting by emailing the Community Development Department at or calling (573)-874-7239. Please also call or email if you would like more information on how to get involved, to request a presentation and/or surveys for your organization, or to have filled-out surveys picked up.