Friday, June 21, 2013

FastCAT to adjust summer schedule from July 1 to August 17

Columbia Transit announces a modified summer schedule for the FastCAT 107 routes. Beginning on Monday, July 1 and continuing through Saturday, August 17, the following changes to the existing schedule will take affect:

*Service will begin at 6:40 am Monday through Saturday

*Final departure will be at 6:10 PM with the route ending at 6:40 PM Monday through Wednesday

*Final departure will be at 8:40 PM with the route ending at 9:10 PM Thursday and Friday

*Final departure will be at 6:40 PM with the route ending at 7:10 PM on Saturday

*Sunday service has been discontinued

These changes are a result of evaluating ridership data which does not support later hours Thursday through Saturday or Sunday service during the summer.

The new schedule is available at

Contact: Columbia Public Works
(573) 874-7250

Columbia Transit
(573) 874-7282