Beginning on Monday, July 1, Columbia Public Works Parking Utility will implement the use of new devices to issue parking violation citations. The devices currently used to issue parking violation citations employ technology which is over 15 years old, requires customized software, do not integrate well with Municipal Court or payment and permit processing, and do not allow interaction between the City and our customers.
The new devices are Samsung Note smart phones with software supplied by Clancy Systems of Denver CO. The Parking Utility will lease 6 Samsung Notes and the Municipal Court will lease 3 Samsung Notes at a cost of $170 per month per device. The cost covers the lease of the device as well as the software and maintenance.
Parking Enforcement agents, Columbia Police and University of Missouri Police will all begin using the smart-phone device to issue parking citations on July 1.
Changes to the actual parking violation citation include a slightly larger printed citation with a green header and footer across the document. The envelope for the citation will also be slightly larger and brighter in color with a clear address label window.
As of July 1, customers will also use a new web portal to pay parking violation citations online. The new web portal can be accessed at It is important to note, that parking citations issued prior to July 1 will still use the old web portal address of for payments.
Customers will continue to use to pay traffic summons or fines assessed by the Municipal Court for any other municipal charge.
Some of the advantages of using the new hardware and software also include:
*Enhanced interactivity between the Parking Utility agents, Law Enforcement officers, and Municipal Court. Data will be shared in real time thus saving the agents and officers time and phone calls back and forth to verify if vehicles are currently on a tow list, have the proper parking permit, etc.
*System capable of storing up to three photos with the citation. Photos help to validate the fact the meter was expired or a proper permit was not displayed, the location of the vehicle, the vehicle license plate matches to the citation issued and that a citation was affixed to the windshield of the vehicle.
*The equipment used to issue the citation is lighter in weight and easier to use.
*The new software allows the use and attachment of common document types such as a MS Word or Excel and Adobe Acrobat files to the citation case log.
*Easier and less costly future enhancements to hardware and software.
Customer who have questions about parking citations they receive may also call the Parking Utility at (573) 874-7674 or Municipal Court at (573) 874-7230.
For more information contact:
Columbia Public Works
(573) 874-7250