Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Schedule Coffee with the City Manager

Meeting more people...learning what they care about. Those are City Manager Mike Matthes' goals for "Coffee with the Manager," his new, Friday forum for one-on-one conversations with citizens.

Starting today, individuals may register for 10-minute sessions with Matthes that will take place between 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. on July 15. He plans to hold sessions each Friday in the City Hall lobby by the Columbia Coffee Express stand. "And the coffee's on me," Matthes said.

"My assistant Carol Rhodes will be with me to record each person's concerns and follow up with assignments to city staff members who can be most helpful," Matthes said. "No topic is off limits."

Matthes said that he expects to have about six conversations during each hour-long session. Individuals may register either online at or by calling 874-7214, providing a name, topic, preferred conversation date and some contact information if follow-up is needed. The registration deadline is 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before the Friday session.

In the interest of full disclosure, Matthes said the City Hall lobby is a public setting. "People should not be surprised to see other citizens, Council members, staff members or reporters nearby," Matthes said.